Joining the multiple grassroots efforts across the city—from the makeshift command center that Bixby Knolls has become to the efforts of Black community leader Duke Givens to the raising of funds through discounted meals by Broken Spirits Distillery—Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson has launched a fundraising campaign to benefit the California Community Foundation.
Will he have an entity that matches the funds raised? This could be the case but Mayor Richardson can’t reveal that now.
“This is about the people who can give $5 or $500 because together? It’s a greater impact,” Mayor Richardson said. “The grassroots support can be more powerful than someone just dropping a big check.”

The mayor’s campaign joins the efforts of locals across Long Beach for the past week.
Beginning last week, two longtime Long Beach advocates—Shawn Moore and Duke Givens—each went on their own to two of the most dangerous places amid the wildfire crisis: Station 23 in Santa Monica for Shawn and Altadena for Duke.
“I was the only one to access Station 23 [in Santa Monica] and, to be honest, when I arrived, I was overwhelmed,” Shawn told me last week. And he joins Duke, who traveled to Altadena to discover his high school friend’s house destroyed and a community that desperately needed his help despite officers not permitting people through. “That officer in the sheriff’s department was so kind,” Duke said. “He said, ‘This one time,’ and we were able to really help out Natasha and her neighbors.”

This then kicked off a string of amazing stories: Robb Smith of Alley Cat Deliveries handing out fire extinguishers for those salvaging what they can amid the rubble. Chris Sweeney of RightMealz going through hell and back to get supplies where they were needed. Luis Navarro and Brend Rivera of Lola’s and The Social List delivering thousands of warm meals across the region. And Bixby Knolls becoming a makeshift command center.
Long Beach has shown up and shown out.
With $20K raised in 48 hours, the mayor’s campaign is proving successful through tons of small donations.
“With the State of the City coming tonight and wildfires still affecting thousands of people, I’m putting out this call to action to help with the relief efforts,” Mayor Richardson said. “Long Beach is partnering with the California Community Foundation to support victims and evacuees. Please help us amplify the call to have an even more significant impact together. This is an unprecedented situation, and every contribution makes a difference.”