Friday, July 26, 2024

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Welcome to Longbeachize, your go-to platform for everything that makes Long Beach tick. We’re not just a digital space; we’re a community hub that amplifies the stories, flavors, and vibrant urban life that define our city.

Our journey

Longbeachize has come a long way: What started as an idea scribbled on a napkin by founder Baktaash Sorkhabi altered when he joined Brian Addison, who brought on the Streetsblog family to create a site dedicated to urbanism, livability, development, and transportation. Since then, that vision has evolved into a comprehensive guide and examination of Long Beach’s culture and community. Through various phases, the platform has grown to cover a wide array of topics—from food and culture to urban development and social issues.

The current chapter: Upholding authentic and community-centric integrity

In an age where information is abundant, authenticity is rare. At Longbeachize, our community-centric (not necessarily journalism-focused) integrity is at the cornerstone of our ethos: We understand we hold the deep responsibility of telling the stories of others—and that is a privilege. While we occasionally work with partners who do support our monetarily—like the Port of Long Beach for Long Beach Food Scene Week or the Navarro Hospitality Group for sponsored content—our commitment to genuine, valuable storytelling remains unwavering.


Connect and engage

Stay in the loop and engage with us on our social platforms:

Support our mission—by either reading or advertising

Every story we tell, every article we publish, and every event we cover is a testament to our dedication to Long Beach. But to continue our mission, we need your support. Whether it’s by sharing our stories, contributing an article, or making a donation, every bit helps. Together, we can ensure that the voice of Long Beach continues to be heard, loud and clear.

Why Advertise With Us?

Longbeachize is more than just a media outlet; it’s a community hub. Our readers are passionate, want to be informed, and actively engaged with the topics we cover. By advertising with us, you gain access to a niche audience that values quality content and is receptive to relevant brand messages.

Advertising options

  • Display Ads: Banner ads strategically placed across our website for maximum visibility.
  • Sponsored Posts: Collaboratively crafted articles that align with our editorial standards while highlighting your brand or message.
  • Newsletter Placements: Feature your brand in our weekly newsletters, reaching our subscribers directly in their inboxes.
  • Custom Campaigns: Tailored advertising solutions designed to meet specific campaign objectives and target demographics.

Contact Us

Interested in collaborating with Longbeachize? Reach out for more information and decks. Email us at

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