There is something to be said about hard seltzer at this point and it goes beyond No Law with the Claw: It’s here to hang for a little while longer—and Seltzerland’s arrival in Long Beach exemplified that.
So what is up with hard seltzer and what is Seltzerland?
Offering an alternative to the carb-heavy beer but also I Wanna Drink All Day mentality, hard seltzer has hit the market big—hell, even local breweries like Beachwood have hopped on the seltzer bandwagon since it is a market that is, by this point, unavoidable. Joining local breweries have been massive distilling brands like Hornitos and Jim Beam.
And with that, Seltzerland, having launched this past summer across 22 U.S. cities, is making a pitstop in Long Beach for its second run across the States.

Guests will be able to taste over 100 hard seltzers, with $35 to $55 tickets being sold in 10 minute increments across four hours, 11AM to 3PM, on Saturday, February 5.
The venue? None other than Bixby Village Golf Course.