Three words: SnoCorner Halloween beignets. Oh yes, Long Beach, SnoCorner owner Ashley Monconduit—our finest purveyor of New Orleans sweets—has taken her locally famous beignets to the dark depths of utterly horrifying… Cuteness.

SnoCorner Halloween beignets, honoring NOLA and the spooks
“Holidays have always been a big deal in our household,” Ashley said. “Both of my parents get really into it, and I have so many fond memories of holidays rooted in family traditions. Every single holiday, my parents would decorate—and still do decorate—the home we grew up in for Halloween, Christmas, and even holidays in between. Outside our front door, we had a flagpole, just like the one at SnoCorner. And my dad was always finding new flags to fly for everything from back-to-school—even though my sister and I have both graduated now—to the start of summer. The flag that hangs daily at SnoCorner was found by my dad in New Orleans, and he personally installed it.”

And her father, Michel, happens to also takes charge of SnoCorner’s festive decorations each holiday, from the personalized “Happy Halloween” sign you’ll see now, to the beautiful wreath that trims the awning during Christmas.
“SnoCorner has become a creative and expressive outlet for all of us,” Ashley said. “And the inspiration for our Beignet BOO Box came from this shared family love for the holidays. I’ve always loved to draw, so I was thrilled to design these little monster beignets. Every time someone orders a box, I get so excited. I mean, they’re adorable. My favorites are the mummy, ghost, and Frankenstein.”

How to get your hands on SnoCorner Halloween beignets
“So come pick up a Beignet BOO Box,” Ashley encourages.
Each box of nine is $39 plus tax and can include assorted fillings like banana pudding, limited-time pumpkin spice, apple, chocolate, and strawberry. You can order directly online through this link or have it delivered on DoorDash.

Why SnoCorner is such an important contributor to the Long Beach food scene
SnoCorner—the bright, tricolored snoball shop located directly across the street from Poly High School—is a remarkable tribute to the sweet treats of New Orleans.
For Ashley, SnoCorner is more than just a sweet shop. It represents the fusion of two proud cities that shaped her—New Orleans and Long Beach—and the family legacy of Black small businesses that spans decades in the very space SnoCorner occupies.
“I’ve been in Long Beach my entire life,” Ashley said. “But my family is from Louisiana. My dad was born there and didn’t move to Long Beach until he was 25, while my mom was born and raised in Long Beach. Their union created a literal marriage of these two cultures in my sister and me.”
For those who haven’t had the privilege of visiting New Orleans, one feels an instant kinship if they come from Long Beach. Both cities share a deep sense of pride and ownership. They acknowledge their shared history—glorious, discomforting, awe-inspiring, hideous—much like Long Beach does. SnoCorner represents the beauty of melding those two cultures, of uplifting Black success and honoring one of our country’s most influential culinary cities.
So go. Have a snoball. Double-down and have a beignet as well. And support a business that deserves all the love and uplift it can get.
SnoCorner is located at 1701 Atlantic Ave.