Gallery Exhibits & Art Showcases
Culture & Commentary
Long Beach Art Scene: L.A. artist Fay Ray to unveil exhibition at Compound; current group show leaving Feb. 9
In the space's first large solo exhibition, Compound will bring on L.A.-based, feminist-meets-machinist artist and sculptor Fay Ray come Feb. 15.
Culture & Commentary
Raven and the Wolves—Long Beach’s underrated art gem—continues its rightful legacy of forging tattooing into the fine arts world
The Raven and the Wolves is one of the city's most underrated art gems—and it goes far beyond the tattooing.
Culture & Commentary
Long Beach Art Scene: Dark Art Emporium’s ‘Nocturnal Dysphoria’ is masterfully macabre
The Dark Art Emporium—DTLB's heart for all things dark arts, crafts, and creatives—has brought on guest curator Cristina Rodriguez for their October group show, "Nocturnal Dysphoria."
Culture & Commentary
Long Beach Art Scene: Much-loved DTLB Art Walk returns Oct. 12
The DTLB Art Walk is returning Oct. 12 thanks to some spearheading from the Downtown Long Beach Alliance.
Culture & Commentary
Long Beach Art Scene: Yes, there’s a Childless Cat Lady Art Works Show—or CCLAWS. And it’s everything you want.
One should not mess with cats or their owners. Or you shall rightfully receive the wrath. Like a full on, two-space exhibit dubbed the Childless Cat Lady Art Works Show (or CCLAWS) coming to Long Beach on Sept. 27.
Culture & Commentary
Long Beach Art Scene: With new executive director, Compound unveils group exhibit, ‘When the Veil Thins’
Compound, the Zaferia-based art-meets-food concept, has not only named a new executive director but will also be unveiling its first major group exhibit, When the Veil Thins, curated by artists Tofer Chin and Mari Orkenyi.
Culture & Commentary
Long Beach Art Scene: Cool Cat Collective launches Monster Cats art show
Oh yes, the Monster Cats art show is making its debut, Long Beach. Cool Cat Collective, the city's sole space dedicated to all things furry'n'feline.
Culture & Commentary
Long Beach Lost: Bill Viola’s death reminds us we once owned the world’s most prominent collection of video art
Following complications with Alzheimer's, famed and pioneering video artist Bill Viola died—reminding us we (literally) gave away an important collection of art.