Culture & Commentary
Meet the couple with big dreams for historic 440 Elm Ave. building in Downtown Long Beach
It is one of Long Beach's oldest church structures, having survived the 1933 earthquake after its 1913 construction—and the small business owners who are now overseeing the building at 440 Elm Ave. have big plans for this massive, gorgeous ode to the Classical Revival style from famed Los Angeles architect Elmer Grey.
Culture & Commentary
Broadway at the Beach to bring certified Great White Way shows to Downtown Long Beach
Broadway at the Beach, a partnership between the Terrace Theater in Downtown Long Beach and MagicSpace Entertainment, is set to feature fully sanctioned national tours of Broadway musicals and shows—and will be formally making its debut at the Terrace Theater, becoming the first time the city has a seasonal set of touring shows from the Great White Way.
Culture & Commentary
Tour the oil islands, step inside historical homes, and more: Long Beach Architecture Week 2024 arrives
From celebrating the 100th birthday of Downtown Long Beach's historic Cooper Arms building to having a tour of the T.H.U.M.S. Islands, Long Beach Architecture Week is taking 2024 by the foundation with a slew of events for everyone's inner lover of architecture, spatial history, and Long Beach appreciation.
Culture & Commentary
Long Beach Lost: When the waves brought avid surfers and competitions to our shores
In this part of Long Beach Lost, we explore Long Beach surfing—something that might be completely strange to think of now. But Long Beach was, at one point, one of the most sought-after early era surf spots along the West Coast with its six-foot swells that earned it the moniker of "Queen of the Beaches."
Culture & Commentary
IN PICTURES: Hundreds boogie on down aboard The Queen Mary for Longbeachize’s free disco party
500 people reveled and boogied aboard The Queen Mary back in March with a free disco dance event—and once again, in conjunction with Longbeachize and Visit Long Beach, we allowed Long Beach denizens to get down with a free disco’n’funk party inside the ship’s famed Art Deco masterpiece that is the Observation Observation Bar this past Thursday.
Culture & Commentary
Midsummer Scream—world’s largest horror and Halloween convention—returns to Long Beach for heated haunts
Oh yes, boys and ghouls: Midsummer Scream, the world's largest convention dedicated to all things gruesome and grotesque, returns to Downtown Long Beach in all its gory glory. And yes, you can expect tens of thousands of cosplayers, horror enthusiasts, warmly welcomed nerds, and some of the most creative minds in the macabre when Midsummer Scream welcomes the ghastly'n'grim come July 26 through July 28 at the Convention Center.
Culture & Commentary
Short films get their due at inaugural Tiny Film Fest in Long Beach
The idea behind Tiny Film Fest is simple: 61 films that are five minutes or less, shown in three programs of roughly an hour-and-a-half. Choose your segment and you'll get a variety of nearly every aspect of cinematic visual storytelling, from documentaries and animation to international shorts and straight-forward narratives.
Culture & Commentary
Dark Art Emporium opens in its new East Village space in Downtown Long Beach
After it was announced that the Dark Art Emporium would be vacating its space inside The 4th Horseman pizzeria and into a new space in the East Village Arts District, time has sped by and the entire crew behind both projects have moved quickly as DAE is officially open for business in is new home.
Culture & Commentary
Long Beach Lost: Club Sylvia, North Long Beach’s queer-fully odd, into-the-wee-hours drag bar
In this part of Long Beach Lost, we explore the history of Club Sylvia, nestled at the corner of 61st Street and Cherry Avenue in North Long Beach. It was the headquarters for drag queens—and for good reason.
Culture & Commentary
‘Cambodian Cowboy’ to lead Cambodian New Year in Long Beach across three days; ends with food festival
Chef Chad Phuong is no slack when it comes to the annual celebration of the Cambodian New Year in Long Beach: Across four days beginning on Friday, April 5, he will host a variety of events that culminates with a food festival at Trademark Brewing that will be hosting some of the city's best representation Cambodian-American entrepreneurs and food creators.Camb